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Remodeling Services

Peterman Remodeling

Carpentry Service in Central Ohio

With a full-time carpenter on staff we are able to provide for numerous residential and commercial needs outside of plumbing, heating and cooling. We’re committed to providing quality remodeling service in Central Ohio that meets your exact needs, whether residential or commercial.

Remodeling is an exact art that requires tremendous skill and ability. We’ve selected one of the best to lead our remodeling projects. Have you been waiting for remodeling service? Do you have some ideas for updates to your home or commercial space?

If so, it’s time to put our skilled remodeler to work for you!

Our remodeling services include:

Request a service call

525 W. 15th Street

P.O. Box 278

Dover, OH, 44622


Fax 330-364-3922

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